Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Waha, finally I managed to get this video on the web^^

The player in this video is my darling sister, Mey gaming on my boiboi >>Dell Inspiron 1420. She goes by the nickname Morodashi in SMO (StepmaniaOnline). The actual date of the recording was actually on Sunday, 27th September 2009. I refered to the wrong date when I compile the video XDD

I was testing my N86 mobile phone's camera in video recording and this is my first subject LOL...Not bad either and the sound was pretty good.

But I resync the song into the video as there are some random crapping by my brothers in the background. Not sweet ahah~ If you like lolicon stuff, you'd definitely love this song^^

Mey didn't play a full combo but she did amazingly well in the first half part of the song and combo all the hand streams!!! ZOMG~

The video quality became so poor after I uploaded to Youtube. Probably I'll redo it when I got the time X(

Hope you like this Mey^^ You are so AWESOME^^ muaxxxxxxxxxx~


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