Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's been ages (everytime since the last I made a post entry).
My imouto-chan said it's growing moss in here, and a kind blogger replied a comment I made 6 month ago (which left me dancing for the rest of the day). I guess my blog is trying to do funny things to get me back, must have been missing me alot. Sorry my little flame, I'll show you more love (*monologues with own blog)

Before you start to think that I'm a lunatic, I'm going to do a brief sum-up of how I got my First DD daughter last month :) For more ideas about what a Dollfie Dream is, you can find more brainfood on that HERE.

A short-bio on 'le daughter:-

Full name: Airi Misaki (愛理 ミサキ)
Location: Singapore
Height: slightly less than 60cm
Weight: N/A
Official website:

Airi is a custom assembled dollfie. Manage to adopt her online, it was an accidental encounter though where initially I was just fueled by curiousity. A short discussion with papa-chan who gave approval my decision to proceed, sucessful arrangements with the seller, and that's how it came to be. It was an absolutely nerve-wrecking period because the seller delayed her shipping and did not provide us with her parcel tracking number after she was sent out.

Since we had cleared the full payments, le'papa-chan was shooting eye-lasers at me (a.k.a. mama-chan) for the whole week and kept weighing the posibility that the seller might be a scammer. She was in transit with the postal service for 4 days making her way from The Land of Kangaroos to Lion City.So 'le me had no endorphin in my system for the whole time until she arrive. Papa-chan received her from the postman who came knocking at the door on the Monday evening while I was still at work.

Because papa-chan was super-duper-mad-happy, he unboxed Airi and forgotten to take pictures to show me. So I could only imagine the rest of the details. Papa-chan said Airi was in a crouching-pose. The seller kept her promise that she would insert more paddings in the package since she doesn't have the original box for Airi anymore. And so, Airi came with a YAMAHA taped brown box with lots of bubble wrappers inside.

Not really sure if papa-chan manhandled Airi out of the box. But she does looked kinda lost, isn't it?

Papa-chan sat her on the bed while rummaging through the rest of the contents in the box, frantically looking for something for her to wear and Airi took her time ~rebooting from her sleep.

Airi: *looks around/blinks/looks at papa-chan with all the kawaii-ness
Papa: *melts and turns jelly

Finally, papa-chan manage to dress her up with some difficulty. That's the only piece of clothing he manage to find. Papa-chan heard her stomach growling soon after that. Must have been from the travelling journey. Luckily, papa-chan had emergency food stocks and Airi was well-fed with onigiri (rice ball).

Papa: *signals Airi to eat *food *puts in mouth
Airi: * holds onigiri *mimics papa-chan *nom nom noms :)

Airi's mood had fairly brighten up after all the confusion. Although she had barely said anything yet, we found out that she had no memories of her past life. Despite that, she loves to smile and it never fails to melt papa-chan's heart.

Now she had found a good home and grown very fond of her new mama-chan and papa-chan. Airi is especially attached to papa-chan, since papa-chan was the first thing she saw when she woke up.

And thats is the beginning of her new life :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kabuto L.O.V.E

Muhahaha, my long forgotten beetle post!
Will find the time to fabricate something of why I had them here :P you might be wondering why on earth a girl can come up with a post like this xDD
I'd like to think of it as a personal achievement. Ja xD

I'm not a natural entomologist by any chance in that's what you have in mind. Was helping out with my brother's Biology project.

Green leaf- like grasshopper: a Microcentrum retinerve?

One of the very first ones I manage to find is this cute looking leafhopper.
Quite a big one compared to the regular pests you see.
That's what you get when you live in the jungle itself.
Supersized bugs!!!

A common rhinoceros beetle

Mmm, this one is a female friend. Round heads^^
The males have a small rhino horn on their head. Too bad I don't have a picture of them.
Found them in abundant during April. Dozens of them various sizes all over the hostel block.
Probably it's their mating season.

I clean them every 2-3days because they get dirty after all the residues of the meal.
Bathe them with tap water (I could only think of that >_<)
They'd cling tightly on my fingers and hiss loudly when I tried to pull them off.
They have this kinda Y-shaped toes which is difficult to take off once they've hooked on you.
I'll just trick them to climb onto a piece of fruit.
And my finger is free ;)

One of my personal favourite, the Rhinoceros Beetle!!!
Looks like a Chalcosoma caucasus
(Munching on a guava piece about his own size)

He had the most amazing tri-horns I've ever SEEN!!
Loved him max. Pretty big guy too about the size of my palm.
His looks might be intimidating but actually he is a soft guy^^

I feed all of them beetles with fresh fruits.
Pineapples, guava, watermelon, honeydew, mango~
They will hug the fruit and start to gobble like glutton everytime I feed them.
I just love to watch them eat.

A longhorn beetle?

An interesting colourful bug I saw on the corridor during a gap between my classes.
Looks like a long horn beetle to me.
They have rather big jaws, I always wonder if they are poisonous.
I bet you can never see this in the cities alive xD

Stag Beetle: Dorcus curvidens^^

This is also my favourite beetle.
A gentle creature, I can assure you that.
Their big claws might look scary but they don't bite at all.
Handle them gently and they won't give much resistance.
See how I can place it on my hand just like that?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I was chatting with a friend recently until my Glossy White Dell Inspiron 1420 laptop made some weird crackling noises (twice!).
So, I decided to heed the friend advice to clean my laptop's fan.
Since I couldn't won't send it to the repair shop, I decided to handle it on my own.

The 3 screws (marked with star) are the ones we need to remove to get to the heatsink.
Turn the screwdriver anti-clockwise (rotate to the left side) to open. 
The L-shaped cover will pop up for you.
*and remember to place your screws in a safe place coz you need to put it back later^^

After you have removed the cover, things should look like this (I hope your's too).
Now we need loosen the 4 screws (marked with red arrows).
You can move on once you feel the screw pop upwards from it's spring.

And the moment of glory~ta daa!
You can pull out the heatsink from the compartment and say 'Hello' to the dusts.
Now you can do whatever you think that is appropriate.
(I skin all the dusts and dump 'em rightaway.)

Clean the rest of the compartment -maybe the fan area (marked with white arrow).
Then, put everything back and tighten the screws properly (turning clockwise to lock).

For more info, you can also refer the Dell Support site below:

This is the most common area where dusts accumulate.
I didn't clean mine for 3years and it was as thick as the carpet.
Start up your PC and it should have alot better ventilation space now.

You should seriously clean it up if your Dell Inspiron overheats easily or shuts down on its own.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Caught up with some download bugs after creating an empty folder for GLB scans on my new hardisk.

Probably will update more soon after I figured out how to arrange the sequences of my ramblings.

Hohoho, gyaru gyaru gyaru! miao :3

Happie Nuts Magazine January 2010 cover

And so there goes my new found fetish for ripped bodycon dresses~ Lol...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mouse on 'mouse'

That's about the size of it from a piece of 150mm x 150mm square paper^^

**finished this at 3.50am today.hohoho~

Model : Rat
Design and diagram: Eric Joisel
Difficulty: Medium

Sources: Origami Tanteidan International Convention Book Vol. 10

Friday, January 7, 2011

Here's a quick "cheat sheet" to help you become an expert "fur or faux" detective:


1) The Feel Test

Feel the difference by rolling the hairs between the finger and thumb.

Genuine Fur: Feels smooth and soft, easily rolls between the fingers.

Fake Fur: Feels coarse.


2) The Look Test

Blow on the hairs so that they divide, and look at the base.

Genuine Fur: Often made up of several layers of thin, almost curly hairs that form a dense under-wool through which the longer hairs stick out. The hairs remain attached to the leather (skin).

Fake Fur: Simpler in structure, individual hairs are often the same length and are even in color.


3) The Pin Test

Drive a pin through the base where the fur is attached.

Genuine Fur: The leather resists; pin is hard to push through.

Fake Fur: Pin goes easily through the base.


4) The Burn Test (not recommended)

Carefully pull a few hairs from the fur and hold them to a flame.

Genuine Fur: Singes and smells like human hair.

Fake Fur: Melts and smells like burnt plastic and forms small plastic balls at the ends that feel hard between the finger and thumb.


Adapted from the Fur Free Alliance.

Get this cute badge from zazzle!

However, from the other point of view about fur from the British Fur Trade site.
Read it for yourself and make your own judgement^^

Monday, November 29, 2010

Finally I got to manage shut my N86 camera sounds for good xD

**throws confetti

As you might probably had known "Some" Nokia phone does not allow you to turn off the camera sound even if you put your phone in Silent Mode
turning off the Warning Tone in Profile.

I found this small application on the net which can help you
disable your camera sound/ shutter sound and also the 'Focus' sound.

It works even on unhacked phone and upgraded firmware.

Just follow these few steps properly...

1. Get the certificate and key for your Phone's IMEI

Here are some sites you can choose to get them:

They work all the same, it just makes you a little impatient on the processing time.
It worth the waiting, trust me^^

After the cert and key is ready, download it to your pc.

2. Download this PC Signer for Windows
   ** There's a mobile signer called FreeSigner v1.00 but I can't install it.
   ** So I had to use a PC signer instead.
   ** Don't worry about the key file password thingy. Just leave it blank^^
                                            [DOWNLOAD HERE!]

3. Download the patch and use Signer to sign it with your cert
     **If you don't sign the patch, it will show expired certificated error when you try to install on your phone.
                                           [DOWNLOAD PATCH HERE]

4. Copy the signed 'mute-camera.sis' into your memory card  and install it to your phone

5. Restart your phone **beeps

6. Go to Settings, Profile and turn off Warning Tone

7. Ta daa!! No more annoying camera sounds =D
You can use the cert and key to sign other applications for your phone too.
The certificate expires after 36months but you can make new ones again after that.
So, YIPPEEE and have fun^^

Friday, September 24, 2010

I decended to KL again this month purposely just for fun.

Had been wishing to get into the I-Socks stores especially the member-only shops (J-Rock House & Gothic House) which sells Japan-oriented fashion, apparels and accessories. I kinda fancied these stuffs..well, really aloT^^

And so it begans with roaming the non-member stores, the I-Socks Decora. I never really had anything specific in mind. Just walk in and look around when 1 of the 2 salesgirls in the shop approaches us.

I was flipping through a rack of hoodies and i came upon a black and white stripes rabbit ear hoodie.
Whoopee, was delighted. It was suuuu kawaiiii **grins like Cheshire cat

Then, the salesgirl came and started talking to us. She encouraged me to try it and kept saying it was nice and stuffs. I was obviously grinning like mad. I'd always do that when I saw something I like. Gets excited and really animated sometimes.

Looked something like this :3
The hoodie costs RM39 which is quite reasonable for me. It was made of the kind of knitted cloth, really fluffy and warm xD Was standing there again deciding which colour to pick. Pink is too cute for me. The black and red striped is nice too. In the end, I settled for the black and white stripes. Lol~

From the salesgirl's English accent, she doesn't really sound like a local to me. After picking the hoodie, I went around the shop again. Needed to purchase at least RM50 to apply for the member card. She was trying to sell me socks, vests and eskimo hats. Probably because I'm in a really good mood, I thought the particular salesgirl was kinda friendly.

I noticed a megacuteblack rabbit eared sling bag on the display mannequin when I was circling the shop. I think I went around a few times and the salesgirl was following me that much. The shop is really packed with stuffs. It would be pretty easy to shoplift small things without being noticed. So, I couldn't really say that they are annoying for being so close.

At first, I thought the sling bag wasn't up for sale until I took a turn and saw it hanging together with some cute cross-shaped coffin bags. Again, I asked about the was RM62.30~ouuu

Of course in Malaysia, the culture when you'd go shopping, you'd be asking: Yeeh? No discount ah?
The salesgirl flipped the tag and showed it was already discounted. The original price was RM80+
It was not that so very pricey compared to online shopping.

I hesitated for a moment and kept gazing lovingly at the bunny bad. Decisions arghhh~ The material is PVC but it feels like soft leather. The stitches are properly sewed and it was of reasonable quality.

Ching ching~ it was bought at last. Nyahaha~ I'm suuuu weakkk...that should be my birthday present which happens to be tomorrow. Although it was a pain to fork out the money, it was really worth buying the satisfaction^^

Applied the member card at the I-Socks Haunted House just the lot beside. It costs a small fee of RM5. The store houses lolita fashion clothings. Dresses, platform shoes, wings, papier-mache masks and all the stuffs are really a feast to the eye. The price tag weren't really too pricey if you are used to check out online stores.

The interior decor is pretty nice. I went upstairs for a look after the card was done. It was a little cramped with dresses and black stock boxes which were placed all over the tiny spaces that I barely saw the steps. Saw pretty lolita head dresses and some really cool spiked collars on the shelves xD

The salesgirl were following us again every step. I got used to it already^^
Before going back downstairs on the other side, I looked across and saw a buuuuutiful steampunk style lolita dress. Zomg!!! It was a long sleeved black dress with bronze floral corset I think. If I had extra cash, I'd probably strip it off the display and bring that home too. Kyaaa~ **dreamsss

I was curious so I googled out the megacuteblack rabbit eared sling bag to see if it's available on the net.
Pretty much a difficult search because all the keyword I had was the brand name 'Evil Bunny'.
Went through sites showing another bunny designs...Alas, I found it at the UK site.
It was blocking my IP address with Error 403: this site requires login.
So, I had to use a proxy to see it.
Pretty much happy knowing that I din't bought some random cheap stuffs.


Monday, May 17, 2010

This is the official post from the CiB Mall Forum.
For Malaysia server only.

SDO-X Manual Patch Link for Avatar Update on 21 May 2010

SDO-X Wonderland and Dreamland will update a patch on 21 May 2010. The patch is to update the avatars which does not display in the current SDO-X.

After update the patch, players will able to receive April Promotion Packages free avatars.

Please download the manual patch listed below.

DOWNLOAD>>Official Link 1

DOWNLOAD>>Official Link 2

DOWNLOAD>>Rapid Share Link

Reminder: Please do not patch the manual patch to SDO-X game client before 12pm, 21 May 2010.


The patch is 79.38MB. Quite a big one.
It downloads faster if you use torrent client, especially Thunder5 (more commonly known as 迅雷).

Just choose one of the links to download.
The official links are suppose to have faster speed than the Rapidshare link.

ONLY do manual patching if you know how to replace the files.
Usually the clients updates automatically if there a new patch is released.
It's perfectly normal for the client to take 10-15minutes to connect to the server.

Make yourself a cup of coffee and come back. Probably it started to update already^^

Another TIP:
Be sure you had at least 2-3GB of free space in your computer or else the patch won't be able to extract and update itself after the download finishes.
It will stop abrutly~ which is pretty scary.
And you need to start over again.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Firstly, you need to register an account here
and activate it with your email.

After that, create a game ID under the SDO-X icon.
This will be your login ID for the game.

Login screen for SDO

For the game client, you'll need to download from

Download the SDO-X Summer Passion 2 client- preferrably Torrent coz the installation file is a little large (about 2.03GB)^^
This is the latest client in use.

You will need to update quite alot after installation because a few patches have been issued for the client. So be patient^^
If you have an average internet speed, it takes a while to get connected to the server which is around 15minutes.

The SDO-X Summer Passion (Malaysia server) is in English language.
For Windows Vista, you will need to change the
Control Panel>>Administration>>System Locale to Chinese Simplified PRC
to view Chinese characters in the game.

Hope that helps a little^^

Our pretty little house got a new addition to the electronics family apart from the newly bought washing machine (which I thought was really gigantic compared to our -ever- green old machine).

We moved in a new HP p6338d dekstop to replace our old Packard Bell PC which was way out of date. It's gona turn 10years old soon and we just need to bang it so hard like an old TV to get it started. Recently even that won't work anymore ;(
Aww, i miss the oldies~

So, what's up with the serious title for this post?
Erhem... the idea is -what-the-title-says- basicly.
I was trying to do something funny.

Since I won't be around home much to play with the new =princely desktop=
so it's a good idea to get dad-sama to learn how to operate this high-tech beast xD

Dad doesn't read much of English and we seriously need to help him get rid of the technology phobia, so I decided to check out if the operating system can work in Chinese (which is friendlier for dad).

And I found Vistalizator (sounds like a high tech lizard's name)
Basicly the software helps to change the whole OS language to languages other than English. It uses Microsoft's own Windows language packs too. Minimum fuss and pretty cool^^

Check out more at

It worked very well for me although the restarting routine is kinda scary at first.
After that, voila! Windows is working in Chinese xD
Highly recommended^^

Psst: Just don't change into a language you cant read or you'll be in deep shyt if you forgot how to use Vistalizator to revert it xD
have fun^^

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mtx>>> Air

The song AIR (mp3) can be downloaded  from my Skydrive >>> [[HERE]]

Leng leng zai^^
upload jor video le.
but when i save video no see dao, the song timing run abit jor.
paiseh ha^^

I lazy upload again bcz original file so big.
So, hope you like this one^^

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy CNY!

۞ ♥ ´` • ¸▒ 合 家 平 安 ▒¸ • ´` ♥ ۞
۞ ♥ ´` • ¸▒ 吉 祥 如 意 ▒¸ • ´` ♥ ۞
۞ ♥ ´` • ¸▒ 身 体 安 康 ▒¸ • ´` ♥ ۞

Friday, February 5, 2010

Crocboi = baobao~

<3 sei crocboi xD

Date: 29 September 2009
Time: 21:48
Game: SDO-X Season 2
Song: AIR - Lv19

Dear bao_bao,

I remembered you mention few days ago that I didn't write about you in my blog.
Lolx, now this is a surprise for you^^
I dig back my screenshot archives and found these shots. I guess it something you'd never dream I'd keep for so long xD

Probably it's one of the mystery why my hardisk space is always critically FULL. Because I kept all of everything. haha~

The first time I get to know you in the game was on this date. I was very active back then and I'd always be on the line. Hehex, I just registered myself a broaband line for the second month at that time.

Actually you were using a girl ID to sapu people before you changed back to this pretty buaya ID. It was kinda fun to see the game. Haha, besides the game itself, it was a little fun to see people drop their jaws when they under estimate your capability.

Awesome scores there^^

lolx, almost fc^^

If you want to 'pecah rekod' again, make sure you'd let me see it.
Really <3 sei you and miss your pretty face ( n///n)
/cheer up

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Be my wolf^^

z0mg~absolute masterpiece^^

I was browsing My Received Files folder today because Mey told me to listen to a song she sent me named STRAY HAND. That's where all my MSN stuffs are kept and I never really bother to delete them XD

Spotted this amazing CP (crease pattern) a friend sent to me last year. I wonder who is the original folder and who diagram the CP...
This is only the 1st half of the picture. The other half is the CP outline.

If anyone could fold this out for me, I think I'd love him/her to death x3
I can't even dream of folding out the base for this model. It's really expert stuffs! LOLs

If you had any idea, do let me know^^

3:40 PM 27/2/2010
I ran a search in Google last night.
Found the origins of the werewolf creator in DA^^
\\\Guspath///link here

He actually designed the whole model himself so there not really a diagramed sequence released yet. Although I'm still hopeful.
Only the CPs so far.
It's really an original werewolf masterpiece^^

Mesmerising <3. And all the other stuffs he folded were awesome too.
Check it out xD

Friday, January 29, 2010

Came back from a discussion around 11.20pm.
Phew~ it was pretty pointless. Didn't really got anything much done.
Stategic Management group work lolx^^

Was chatting abit with net friends and listening to my songs.
Staying up really late today.
When I was rummaging through my scattered song havocs,
suddenly spotted a RAW video in my song folder.
I recorded it quite a long time ago...
Had an urge to resync the thing and put it up^^

It was nice memories knowing them in the game.
Lolx thinking back it was kinda funny too.
How much we've grown after all these days.
Kinda miss the guild members back then.

Game client: SDO-X Season 2
Song: Air (Hard)
Duration: 2mins 47sec
Record date: 13 Sept 2009

If you find anything funny, do leave me a comment *winks^^

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mey 2nd video

Finished editing the video today.
Awesome game. Almost full combo XDD
Mey ++++u !!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dearest ah B leng zai,
wake up do this ah/faint


Go to the website...
just follow la

Click and save...
save the torrent file ha 10.7kb nia

Remember where you save...
put desktop easy

Open LimeWire...
open the website sin...

Then, choose the TORRENT file you just download...
choose frm desktop if you save there...

Then you will see dao this come out...
no need scare de, just click OK...

Wait xia then it connect liao, you can see like this de lor^^
remember wait connect ah...

After the download finish, go to
at your PC and run the installer^^

***The same thing applies if you want to torrent a file using other programmes.
***It's not that complicated really^^

Saturday, November 14, 2009

cAndy cAndy offline ler~

<3 this wing^^

Cannot online jor lu starting this 17th November...
T_T sad...
School holiday jo..
No more internet liao~

Celcom de broadband suspend 1 month sin..
Next year open school only can online again~55

Bye bye ler, SDO Wonderland~
Miss all fwens in Nasi Lemak..
Have fun all..

Bye bye World Wide Web~
I will miss my darlings,
Yahoo and Google 55~

Friday, November 13, 2009

This SDO character is specially for my beloved bebie~ lubb u 99 XDD

Thursday, November 5, 2009

hahax, candy was here^^

I can't believe I'm doing this again..zomg~
*SLAPS** get on YOUR FEETS! (talking me myself-)

I've been wasting time loafing around again. Not really utilizing the time doing what I'm suppose to do. Naturally, I just go with the flow. Not much of a rebel. Not even a flicker of it in my veins~sigh...

Recently, there had been a series of unanticipated events recurring at a pace threatening to hurl me out of my sanity. At least till now I think I am still able to cope up pitifully.. Stress does damage to brain cells faster than you can regenerate o_0

Totally shuts down all my logical nerves and the reasoning ability I'm so proud of having just a while ago. Seriously I need to read more of those novels to bring me back to my senses XD
Excessive novel reading makes my hand itchy to spell words out on the keyboard again^^ Something I've been longing to do because I think my vocabulary needs a little bit of exercise out here^^

Probably you've been wondering why am I ranting at the air..Well, the first half of the November month is our dreaded -Final Examination- period in the higher institutions. Makes our brains go hay wired and we tend to behave out of character sometime because we tried to hammer all the lesson for the semester into our limited brain space desperately. Yes, desperately!

Wish everyone the BEST of Luck in examinations^^ but more importantly do have fun and love yourself~

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

saja saja~ wakakaka~

PS: Click on the picture for full size

This picture was taken again because qi@n and t@ng long time no see m@o online..misses him badly + hugsss^^

And also because we had nothing to do after MTX -Lag King- finishes his daily PK rounds XDD

Nasi Lemak server rocks+++ but speaker spams sucks and it annoys the sh*t outa my sanity. So I rub it off from the shot aharx~

Peace to all of you^^

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Screenshot with MTX and QianQian-$$ on 28/10/2009 at 12.54am in Nasi Lemak server

We're practically bored to death but still refuses to sleep. I thought I want to write something but can't find a topic. So, Qian suggested we take picture again XDD

All the speakers and banners are annoying...I rub them off wakakaka~
Wish SDO-X had prettier rooms^^

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Special note to Qianqian^^

Try get this two patch and replace inside SDO-X folder.
I hope you can get two server options:
__Wonderland (Season2 upgraded server)
__Dreamland (Summer Passion server)
when you start game.

you can select server to play when you start game^^

This ONLY works for upgraded Season2 client or Summer Passion client

~good luck^^

DOWNLOAD patch.ini

DOWNLOAD patchinfo.pfo

Replace in
OS(C:)>>Program Files>>CiB Net Station>>SDO-X Season 2 Summer Passion

If you are still using the old X-treme server client, please download the manual patch at the official site and patch the files to play in the new Wonderland server^^

DOWNLOAD Manual Patch for SDO-X Season2 Upgrade to SDO-X Season2 Summer Passion


On 23/10/2009, there is a 9.15MB patch for the server. Includes 1 new song 'Through My Window' and updates some of the motions I think. Alot of small small files~

be patient~it takes a while to connect server^^

If you can't connect, leave the client open and let it auto update. It should take about 10-15minutes to get the connection.

hv fun++++
Happy gaming^^

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Waha, finally I managed to get this video on the web^^

The player in this video is my darling sister, Mey gaming on my boiboi >>Dell Inspiron 1420. She goes by the nickname Morodashi in SMO (StepmaniaOnline). The actual date of the recording was actually on Sunday, 27th September 2009. I refered to the wrong date when I compile the video XDD

I was testing my N86 mobile phone's camera in video recording and this is my first subject LOL...Not bad either and the sound was pretty good.

But I resync the song into the video as there are some random crapping by my brothers in the background. Not sweet ahah~ If you like lolicon stuff, you'd definitely love this song^^

Mey didn't play a full combo but she did amazingly well in the first half part of the song and combo all the hand streams!!! ZOMG~

The video quality became so poor after I uploaded to Youtube. Probably I'll redo it when I got the time X(

Hope you like this Mey^^ You are so AWESOME^^ muaxxxxxxxxxx~

Zhu zhu, t@ngtAng, Qianqian & Win win
PS.Click on the picture for a full size view

This screenshot was taken on 13/10/2009 at 12.59am on the last night together in SDO-X Season2 X-Treme server before the upgrade^^

Qian qian arranged everybody to *goyang side by side. That was so much fun^^
We were noisy kept typing non-stop and I had to make everybody stop chatting for 10seconds to let all the conversation bubbles float away before snapping this picture XD

Wakaka, this so so very cute. Lubb u all 99^^

Sunday, October 11, 2009

at least this is what i think^^

I'll keep updating this post when I see something new.
Check back for more stuffs and feel free to comment if you want to request anything^^

The official website is
This game simulator is based on DDR which is a popular arcade game.

You might wana read a few guides from there if you are new to the game^^

Currently, I'm playing StepmaniaCVS 4 beta engine.
You can get the most of the starter song packs from houkouonchi's FTP: [[LINK HERE]]
DDR packs are for beginners and Keyboard packs are for advance players.
Here are some of the sites you can click on the tittles for the website, songs, simfile packs:
A wonderful coven full of anime songs!!! One of my personal favourites.
They have a bunch of dedicated members and always keep the site updated.

Jubo Sims Collection (well, it's non-existent anymore after the site was shutdown in 2012)
Jubo [OtakusDream boss]
He had a gargatuan collection of simfiles which he hosts everything on MegaUpload.
You'll go crazy by just browsing because he had everything. Almost^^

But you can still find the Jubo's old sims at this OD link: Jubo's Simfile Page
Another popular site for KB fans.

FlashFlash Revolution
One of the most famous site around the millenia. A big community there in case you need help and there are lots of single stepfiles to choose from. Quality varies though.

Mystery Pack
This is a surprise find when I was looking for the track Evans -DJ Yoshitaka.
This hidden SMG 3 is still kinda hard for KB players.

This cute site is in Japanese. They have a pretty cute theme for Stepmania 3.9
The rest of the song packs are more suitable for Pad players.

Midare Packs
This is some crazy hard shit step files that you can't attempt to pass even if you break ur 999th keyboard.
I can't understand why somebody would wanna play this online.

And more individuals sims here.

[Infos last updated on 2nd May 2013]

Online Game Server:

There is also an official online server hosting the STEPMANIA games scores where you can play with players from all around the world.
Met players from many countries like Argentina, US, Korea, China, Taiwan, UK, Philiphines and some of them I can't really recall.

Visit the latest official site at for setup guides and more information^^
Register account on this site and start playing online!

For your information, the old sites '' and '' had been closed down.

And also don't forget to read the wiki on how to set speed modifications [[HERE]]^^


After 1 year plus hunting for songs for my own collection, I finally found a good pack of Chinese songs for Stepmania. Weee~

Special thanks to 小岚岚的天空 (+hugsss)
I found the sim files for online game, SDO-X China server created by him.

Totally amazing RAR file compilation XDD Hope he publishes new songs soon.
Download it [[[HERE]]] and you'll know what I mean^^

It helps better to navigate because the site in Chinese language. But the download is easier now since the creator updated his files and separated the big bundle pack into 6 separate RAR packs.

Windows need to recognise Chinese characters for some songs to load properly because the some of the songs are edited with Chinese titles.
It doesn't really require a Chinese version of Stepmania to play though.
The English version Stepmania loads just fine with exceptions for a few songs.
Sometimes the song will crash the engine and you will need to reload again.

TIPS: You can try to rename the Chinese files to English names (or whatever language you are using) and they will load nicely^^


For the K-Pop fans,

Expi3nze is one of the sim makers for popular Korea Pop songs for Stepmania.
He had his own channel on Youtube where you can ask things from him there.
Visit his blog at to download the single simfiles.
Mostly on Hard level.
Enjoy and have fun!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lalalala Ver 1.0

Dedicates this song to the -bastard- who make me feel every inch of myself is worth nothing but thrash~
Thanks a million and I don't need anymore of your fuken lies in my life_

This song is so freakin' sweet^^
muaxxx shinoda^^

If you want to listen to the song, you can get it from my SkyDrive>>>click here

Believe Me
Artist: Fort Minor
Album: The Rising Tied

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me

I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing em
I'm just saying
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey

Hey I used have a little bit of a plan
Used to
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don't really even know who I am
Yo, what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me

Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got

You turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one else is around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me


I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me

Do what i have to do
You're on your own now believe me

What ever happens to you
You're on your own now believe me

What do I have to say
You're on your own now believe me

It's not gonna happen with me
You're on your own now believe me
